Future books and coming attractions

Because of the way I write and edit, I have a good sense of what’s coming next. Check out these future books. I release a novel in February, May, August, and November, and sometimes have additional novellas or titles out.

In 2024, we’ll have three novels in existing series: two in the 1920s as part of the Mysterious Arts series, and the last book in the Land Mysteries series. At the end of the year we’ll have a trilogy called Mysterious Fields, set in 1889. More about my plans for 2024 in this blog post.

You can make connections to existing books by checking out the Forthcoming Books page on my authorial wiki.

Keep an eye on my newsletter for the latest info! You can find additional scenes and short works about characters in some of my books on my newsletter. I’ll update this page of future books as soon as books have titles and a bit of a summary.

Mysterious Fields Trilogy

Thessaly has been brought up as the perfect daughter of powerful magical families in Albion, the epitome of breeding, magical potential, and good manners. With her betrothal to Childeric Fortier, golden son of an ancient family, everything ought to be perfect.

Vitus Deschamps has spent years in training, learning to become a talisman maker. Returning to Albion after some months abroad as part of his apprenticeship, he now needs to begin to make his own reputation. When he meets Thessaly at a gala ball, he simply wants to get to know her better.

What comes from that is nothing either of them planned. Two unexpected and shattering deaths in June of 1889 change everything in an evening. There are mysteries in the world, impossible to get a grip on. Over three books, Thessaly and Vitus begin to understand the hidden plots and dangerous magics at play. Together, it’s just possible they might find some answers.

The Mysterious Fields trilogy will be released in the last months of 2024:

Showing books 1-3 of 3

Showing books 1-3 of 3


Other words in the works

In 2025, I’m planning on the final releases in the Mysterious Arts series, set in the 1920s. We’ll also have three romances coming (two in 2025, one out in 2026) set in the years after the Second World War. These will feature Ursula Fortier (and some of the ongoing mysteries of her family from the Mysterious Fields trilogy), Edmund Carillon, and Claudio Warren.

Last updated September 2024.

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