Questions and answers

Read on to learn about some common questions and answers. The most common question – where to start reading my books – has its own page.

A blog post from June 2023, “All the information you might want” has a lot of details about what kinds of information you can find on this site and my authorial wiki.

About my books

What order should I read your books in?
In general, dive in anywhere that interests you! My books can be read in any order in most cases. If you’d like more help with where to start, check out my reading order suggestions for several ways to pick a book.

There’s also help on that page about finding connections between books, places, people, and themes.

Where can I learn more about a particular character or event?
I have an authorial wiki with a lot more information. This site also has links from every book to help you find related books. A blog post from June 2023 explains all the options. If other tools would be helpful to you, drop me a note via the contact form and let me know.
What's coming next?
I’m releasing a book every three months right now. That’s usually in the first two weeks of February, May, August, and November. Learn about what’s coming next. Sometimes I get novellas or extras out, too!
Can you tell me more about this detail?
As a librarian and general geek, I love anchoring my fantasy in reality as much as I can. You’ll find author’s notes at the end of each book with a little bit about the places and events mentioned in the book. If I missed something you’re curious about, or you’d like to know more, drop a note and I’m glad to answer you (and quite possibly write up a blog post).

My blog has articles about various topics, as well. If there’s something you’d love to see me share more about, let me know through the contact form. You can learn more about Albion itself in my authorial wiki.

If you notice something I got wrong (in terms of factual details), the contact form is the best way to let me know about that. (And I’d love to know, especially if it’s an easy fix.)

How do you feel about fanfic?
Short version: I love it as a concept, but please don’t send me any (or link me to places it exists) if it’s text-based. I’d love to share other forms of fannish goodness with my readers (or just see them myself!)

I’ve got a post on my blog with more information about fanfic and why I’m handling it this way as well as how you can connect with other folks who are interested in fanfic about Albion.

What's in your newsletter?
I send out a newsletter most weeks on Fridays. Of course, I let you know about new releases, but I also share all sorts of other things, from other books I’m loving reading to interesting historical tidbits. Most newsletters have a few fascinating things I’ve discovered during my research that week.

I also have a few things I share just with my newsletter: short stories and deleted scenes from various books. And of course, my newsletter is the first place I tell when a new book is out.

Why the 1920s?
There’s a particular point in life I’m fascinated by. Not the middle of awful things happening or the immediate aftermath. Instead, I’m interested in what happens when some time passes and you recover a bit, look up and realise the rest of the world is still there, somehow. That could be months later, years, even a decade or two.

The 1920s are full of those moments. The world had been through such tremendous loss due to the Great War, the Spanish Flu epidemic, and many other social and structural changes. I also find it an incredibly rich and multifaceted space for romance and caring and mutual support to flourish.

As someone who cares a lot about disability history and representation, the 1920s are also an incredible time of medical and rehabilitation advances. (Some of which work out better than others.)

Why the disability focus?
I’m someone who has multiple chronic health issues (as do many of my friends). I wanted books that meant that people like us got to find love and friendship and have wonderful things in their lives.

Writing in the 1920s also means recognising the tremendous impact the Great War had on so many people, not just in terms of deaths, but in terms of what people lived through and lived with after the War. In most of my books, the characters have been living with whatever affects them for a while, rather than dealing with something new. (The content notes will let you know more about that.)

Where to get my books

Where is the best place to get your books?
The best place is the place you like to get books! My books are available on all the major ebook sellers (and any others I can find). You’ll find the links on each book page. If I’m missing the option you prefer, let me know and I’m glad to see what I can do. Read on for more about getting my books from your local library.
Can I get your books from my library?
Yes! (or at least I’ve done my part to help make that posssible.)

My books are available to libraries through Overdrive, Hoopla, and Bibliotheca, three of the major services libraries use for ebooks. (They’re also available in paperback.) I’m a librarian by profession, and libraries having my books makes me incredibly happy.

You can often find a form to make a request either on your library’s website or from their catalog. They’ll want to know the author and title of the book or books you’re suggesting they buy. If you don’t see a form, try the contact email or chat options, and let them know you’re a library user in their area.

Libraries can usually take it from there. Let them know my books are on those services! But if you or they have any questions, just use the contact form and I’m glad to help.

Are your books in Kindle Unlimited?
For independent authors (like me), putting a book in Kindle Unlimited means it must be exclusive as an ebook to Amazon. I want my books to be available as many places as possible (including libraries!), so that’s not an option that works for me.

If you’ve got a limited book budget (don’t we all?), please check with your local library about getting my books (or see below, about Kobo Plus).

Are your books in Kobo Plus?
Kobo Plus is Kobo’s subscription book service. As of April 2023, it’s now available in all the major English speaking markets, and you can read my books there! (Unlike Kindle Unlimited, Kobo doesn’t doesn’t require books in Kobo Plus to be just on Kobo, so this works great for me.)

Do you use any AI in your books?

Short version: I do not use any form of generative AI in creating my books.

It’s all out of my own head (and sometimes conversations with friends as I work through something.) Augusta Scarlett, my cover designer, also does not use generative AI in the covers.

I do use some tools that (these days) all include some amount of machine learning or AI, specifically grammar and spellcheck. However, I review all the suggestions, and every book goes through multiple stages of human editing after that point.

You can read a bit more about this in depth in this blog post about writing and AI that I made in 2023.

What helps you as an author?

If you enjoy my books, the single best thing you can do is tell other people who might like them too!

You can share a link to a book you’ve loved on social media or leave a review on whatever site you like to use to get your books (or on BookBub, GoodReads, LibraryThing, or other sites that host reviews.)

Here’s a handy list of my profile pages on the major ebook sellers. (Let me know if I’m missing your favourite)

If you have somewhere you talk about books (a blog, a podcast, etc.) and you’re interested in featuring my books, I’d love to talk to you more about the details. Drop me a note in the contact form.

Where can I get in touch?

If you’ve got a question that’s not answered here, drop me a note through the contact form. I occasionally post amusing moments or snippets of research to Mastodon, but mostly you’ll find me sharing things directly through my newsletter and blog and on the Discord.

(I read reviews occasionally, but will never reply to a review or something on Twitter or elsewhere you haven’t explicitly tagged me into. Reviews and conversations are for readers.)

Thank you so much for reading my books!

New and exciting!

Upon A Summer's Day

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